Badge Overview

Survey Design  Survey Design

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Survey Design

Survey Design

Issued by Campus Labs Training

Badge Description

This badge represents the ability to successfuly apply the basic principles of survey design.

Skills Questionnaire Construction Assessment

Badge Criteria

Complete Survey Design Session

Attend the Survey Design workshop held as part of the Assessment training series of Campus Labs.

Complete Survey Design Session

Attend the Survey Design workshop held as part of the Assessment training series of Campus Labs.

Successful Submission of Survey Design Exercise

1. Design and create a basic questionnaire with at least 10 questions and no more than 15 questions. 2. You must ask at least 4 different types of questions and at least 2 different scales in your questionnaire.

Successful Submission of Survey Design Exercise

1. Design and create a basic questionnaire with at least 10 questions and no more than 15 questions. 2. You must ask at least 4 different types of questions and at least 2 different scales in your questionnaire.

Weekend Build

Attended **Weekend Build**. Each week for the semester we'll be meeting to build a great home for the Johnson family.  Meet at the bus stop for a ride to the house.  No experience needed.

Aligned Outcomes

  • Internal

    General Education

    Scientific Inquiry

    Describe and evaluate models of the natural and physical world through collection and scientific analysis of data, and through the use of mathematical or computational methods.
  • Internal

    Precision Machining Technology Outcomes



    Define ethics and values, and develop your own personal code of ethics
  • Internal



    Students will exhibit effective listening skills